Flight Training Cost Estimator

Calculate your Private Pilot License costs and/or Flight Training Costs

Flight Training Cost Estimator

Download an Interactive Excel Spreadsheet Calculator:

  • Cost of a Flying Lesson
  • Solo Pilot License Costs
  • Sport Pilot License Incremental Costs
  • Private Pilot License Costs

Cost estimates for the flight training for the Solo License, and Private Pilot License are provided on the Learn to Fly page.
The Aircraft Guide, Rates page shows how much the Standard Plan service charges subtotal can be with a “Dry” Aircraft.  Fuel purchases,  optional ADW®, complementary services or products,  Club Approved Instructor Services,  Club fees/Dues,  exclusive course materials,  and the recovery of sales/use taxes or other services are in addition.

Excellent Rates & Unique Resources

  • Stanford Flying Club strives to maintain an optimal ratio of members per airplane.
  • Unlike other clubs that usually maintain an extremely high ratio of members e.g. per available Cessna-172 airplane, Stanford Flying Club operates with a so-called ‘floating pool’ of airplanes:
  • The Club offers a membership based platform.  Individuals and businesses can offer and reserve access to airplanes 24/7 using the Internet and wireless technology.
  • The Club regularly reviews and carefully selects the types and number of planes offered for rent by these owners. When activity slows down, the Club can decrease airplane availability, to keep things more manageable and affordable. When more Members want to fly, the Club can invite more owners to make their planes available to Members and add them to, a flexible or ‘floating’ pool of airplane resources. So Members can have access to excellent plane availability, at a reasonable cost, on an as-needed basis.

Learn to fly

  • Call or Text (650) 858-2200 to get started or schedule an introductory flying lesson.

    Or request a phone call

Or become a member today