Youssef M.

Youssef M.

  • Instruction: CFI, CFII, ASEL, ATP
  • Skype: Video call avail.
  • Phone: 650-858-2200 SFC
  • Email: click here


Yousef took his first flight when he was seven years old. That was with his aunt, who was piloting a plane for Emirates Airlines in Dubai. Youssef then knew that he wanted to become an aviator.  His love for flying was thus inspired by his aunt.

Youssef obtained his Pilot License in 2015 at age nineteen. And he has enjoyed the view of the earth from three thousand feet or above ever since. While obtaining his Commercial Pilot and Flight Instructor certification, he also finished a Bachelor’s Degree in Business. He obtained a second Bachelor’s Degree in Aviation Science with a well-known University. And he is currently also a pilot for a major US Airline.
His affable, easygoing, yet very safety conscious instruction style, has earned him much appreciation from his students.

He has experience with flying Cessna-162, Cessna-172, Cessna-182, and various Complex and ‘High-Performance’ other planes.

Youssef is eager to spread his passion of aviation to everyone he teaches. And he enjoys helping others pursue their passions, whether it be learning to fly or grilling a perfect steak!
When he is not in a plane, you can catch him on a hiking trail, or enjoying time with his family, friends, traveling, sports, or playing with Jet Ski.

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